Version 1.0, effective from 29.05.2024.
Aquarium Investments IPAS (the "Company") progressively integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG or sustainability) risk factors into the Company's operations, processes, investment decision-making and investment analysis by providing investment advice, taking into account the availability of information and data and the sustainability preferences expressed by clients.
The Company has established sustainability guiding principles based on its strategic objectives, which include:
The Company intends to ensure a sustainable governance structure and key responsibilities in all areas and levels of its operations, promoting transparency and integration of sustainability factors in the Company's activities.
Sustainability risks are events or conditions arising in the environmental, social or governance spheres, the occurrence of which may have an actual or potentially significant negative impact on the value of an investment.
Sustainability risk factors can have a significant impact on investment volatility, liquidity and can cause a decline in the value of investments. Negative impacts can arise from both direct or physical sustainability events or conditions (e.g. extreme climate change leading to flooding or prolonged droughts) and events and conditions associated with the transition to sustainability (e.g. changes in climate and environmental policies, technological progress or changes in market sentiment and preferences). Sustainability risks may contribute to other pre-existing investment risks, including but not limited to credit risk, operational risk, market risk, liquidity risk, legal risk and reputational risk.
For the analysis of sustainability factors and the assessment of risks, the Company intends to use data provided by international rating and information agencies and other external data providers and information already available to the Company.
The Company has determined that the integration of sustainability factors into the investment advisory service will be the responsibility of the investment adviser as well as the portfolio managers of individual clients.
In implementing the integration of sustainability factors into investment decision-making, it is intended to apply a "best-in-class" approach (investing in financial products/companies that perform better on sustainability factors than other similar financial products/companies), as well as an exclusion approach (setting criteria for refraining from investing in a particular financial product/company).
The Company discloses that it does not include sustainability risks in its remuneration policy.
Aquarium Investments IPS does not consider the negative impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors when providing investment advice and making investment decisions.
The Company still faces challenges in the availability of sustainability data, as a result of which no systematic approach to assessing the negative impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors has yet been developed. We continue to improve the integration of sustainability factors into investment decision making, by keeping abreast of developments in sustainable finance, the availability of sustainability data and methodologies for its analysis.
Information on the most important negative impacts on sustainability factors will be available in the periodic report!
Published: 31.05.2024.