
AQRM Approach

There is an increasing importance placed on factors related to sustainability, encompassing environmental, social, and corporate governance aspects, to ensure global stable and sustainable development. Significant attention is devoted to global warming and climate-related issues, limiting environmental pollution, respecting human rights and equality, health and safety concerns, and other matters. As the regulatory framework evolves and public education in the field of sustainability continues to develop, greater emphasis is placed on sustainable investments. Avoiding investments exposed to significant sustainability-related risks reduces overall investment risk and ultimately ensures a neutral or positive impact on investment returns.

Aquarium Investments IPS, does not aim to promote sustainable investments within the strategy type of individual investment portfolios it offers. Adhering to good governance principles and mitigating adverse effects on sustainable development, an assessment of sustainability risks provided by an international external data source is taken into account before making investment decisions. The company believes that this approach to managing sustainability risks is proportionate and can contribute to reducing sustainability risks overall.

The company makes it known that the remuneration of the company's employees is not directly linked to achieved profitability results, to avoid motivation for undertaking unwarranted short-term risks. Asset managers are not incentivized to invest in financial instruments with disproportionately high sustainability risks, even if higher potential returns are possible.